Late this past summer...back when there was sun and warmth...Chris and I took Annie to Clinton Lake in Lawrence for a romp in the lake. After a quick stop on Mass Street, Chris and I jumped back in the car and decided to drive through campus on our way to the lake. Being the total dorks that we are, we started pretending like we were dropping Annie off for her first day of college. Made a life up for her, complete with what she would major in, what sorority she would join. I know...nerds.

Annie lounges at Allen Field House.

Right before a tour at Watson Library.

A quick stop on
Jayhawk Boulevard.

The Campanile.

She didn't want to jinx her possible graduation by walking
through the Campanile before she received her diploma.

Overlooking Memorial Stadium, where her dad fell for Todd
Reesing a few seasons earlier.

The walk of shame after a night at the Sigma Chi house. Such a slut.