Kansas vs. Nebraska Homecoming to take the Jayhawks to 10-0.
So, my camera is still out of commish, but as Lisa quickly points out, there is so much stuff for me to tell you about and it doesn't all have to be told through pictures...
Thanksgiving was great. Very relaxed for once. We stayed in Kansas City the entire weekend, which made me miss my family, but we still had a great time and wonderful turkey day food over at the in-laws. The only bummer was the lack of leftovers. I believe I could have spoken up and taken my fair share home, but I had already stuffed myself and couldn't fathom the thought.
I had a hankering to recreate the Thanksgiving Day sandwich from the cute little sub and ice cream shop in Vail. They serve everything from Thanksgiving dinner in a sandwich - on a french baguette. It might sound disgusting, but it is pure goodness complete with dressing and cranberries and all. Shepherd's pie with leftovers is one thing, but this sandwich is the B-O-M-B.
The blissful Thanksgiving weekend was cut a little short with having to work Black Friday. Life in the retail biz is for the birds come the holidays. Seriously, it's not even December and I'm ready for Christmas to be over.
There was light at the end of the tunnel with the most significant KU football game I will likely every witness in my life...Kansas vs Missouri with the winner getting a possible chance to play in the National Championship game. What? The Jayhawks? College Game Day? Arrowhead?National Championship? Cut to the chase...we lost.
I was more nervous for this game than I was my own wedding. Seriously. My dad witnessed me wash down a handful Tums with a can of sugarfree Red Bull. No sleep and nerves. Not a fun combo.
Chris wrangled up his tailgating dream...a 50 passenger motorcoach complete with a bathroom for 50 of his closest friends. (It ended up being really 50 of Trajan's closest friends, but who's counting anyway?) The tailgate was complete with 500 cans of beer, BBQ brisket and ham sandwiches, beans, homemade brownies and simply not enough of Karen Lane's special deviled eggs.
The bus was great. Going with friends was great. Traffic was not so great and the crowd control was pure craziness. The Jayhawks tried their darnest, but the Tigers won out in the end. It didn't take away from our season. What a great ride this has been! I'm a bit depressed that the end is drawing near, but not until our bowl is announced on Sunday. It looks like we will be Fiesta Bowling it for the New Year!
