Thursday, March 22, 2007
Brownie Butts

Thursday, March 15, 2007
Drumroll, please!

If you've followed my blog since I launched it back in October, you may be asking yourself, "Is the same Prairie Village Art Show that she said she talked her way into?" Well, kind of, but not really. I had a conversation with the director of the show in October and told her about my interest in participating. I was encouraged by the conversation and decided to send the director an email in February as a "reminder." She never replied, so I went ahead and went through the process of getting slides made from my electronic images. I've now come to realize that I had the wrong email address for her and she never received my email. So, I'd like to think I got in based on my work and not in my sly way of talking my way into things.
Now I must get busy with my work. I've just felt so unmotivated since the holidays. This is exactly the kick in the pants that I've needed. There is so much to do. I need a tent. New supplies - canvases, paints, brushes. Antique letters and ephemera. Business cards. Credit card machine. Oy!
Wednesday, March 14, 2007
Finished Bathroom
I've always loved the old look of subway tile. We choose this and then I freaked when I realized that the "good stuff"that we splurged on was made to look like handmade, vintage subway tiles, with waves on the edges and imperfections. Once the grey grout was in place I wasn't so worried about it. I'm pretty pleased with the overall look.
Here is shower curtain #2. I also bought a taupe damask shower curtain, but it made the small bathroom look smaller! Number 2 is still on a trial run. New sink and toilet from Kohler "Bancroft"
Tuesday, March 13, 2007
Best of New York Magazine

Monday, March 12, 2007
I'm completely addicted to jasna sokolovic - an artist from Canada who creates paintings and collages on ceramic tiles. LOVE!

Friday, March 02, 2007
Bathroom Update
I spent a wad of money at Bed, Bath & Beyond today for taupe and light blue towels only to discover that I don't think - as of tonight - that I really like that combo after all. I might lean towards a sage-y green color!? Geesh. I can't make up my mind about paint color in one teeny-tiny bathroom.
Thursday, March 01, 2007
Hint...click through to rePop and scroll down on the pictures on the left side of their page. The picture with the vintage white leather barber chairs have my little, bitty pieces in the background. The pictures must be a little old because I know that at least one of those pieces sold. Woo Hoo!

I did have a celeb sighting...Lisa - contact Perez. We were at The Grove and I was taking pictures of the directory advertising there because one of my newest responsibilities will be selling those at my center. Anyhoo, the advertisement in the signage holders that I was taking pictures of are for the new movie Black Snake Moan, which begins tomorrow starring Samuel L. Jackson (ohmygosh...does it have an L. in it or does it not...now that I'm typing it it seems weird), Justin Timberlake and Christina Ricci. (I noted in the USA Today that it got a half of a star). I took my pictures and we popped into a few stores and then I came out and Christine Ricci walks right by me! She was like an extra-small human, a mutant, but it was definitely her.
Here are a few pics from the trip...