After a while, we decided to go to the farmer's market and buy some pumpkins, apples, beans and honey. It was still raining, so we drove around Parkville. What a cute little town. After that, we decided to walk around downtown and stopped in a little shop with really cute Christmas stuff. Christmas? What the heck? What happened to Halloween? Of course mom bought some ornaments for her ornament exchange at school...she's always prepared.
It was still raining and the park was slowing filling with water. The ground where my tent stood was nearly submerged. The director cancelled the show at noon.
Yay! Free Saturday. Mom and I headed to Em's house and we watched the delayed KU game on t.v. and I held Ellie all day long! It turned out to be a really great day.
Sunday was much nicer...weatherwise. Chris and I stopped at Caribou (yes...I'm addicted) and headed to Parkville. The park had dried out fairly well considering the amount of rain that we got all day Saturday. The crowds were pretty good, but I think people were still a little timid from the weather the day before and were worried about the mud. A few friends stopped by, so that is always a fun way to break up the day. Thank you to those of you that came! You don't know how much I appreciate it.
I'm off tomorrow morning to New Orleans for a work trip until Thursday. I just want to be home for a few days, but I'm anxious to see how N.O. has changed since I was there a few years ago.
Have a great week!
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