What a weekend! Chris and I set up my art fair tent on Friday afternoon in cloudy, gloomy weather. Just as we were finishing, the tornado sirens went off. Weird. It didn't look tornado-y, but as we got onto the highway, we could see the cloud swirling above us. I do love myself a tornado! As we tuned into the radio, we learned that a tornado had touched down just two miles from where we had just left the tent with sandbag weights and all of my artwork in a Rubbermaid bin covered by a tarp.
When we arrived Saturday morning, everything was fine except for the fact that it rained all day long! There was a small break for about an hour and a half, but for the most part it was raining and the ground was MUDDY!
Sunday was a little better, but the sun only poked it's head out for about 10 minutes all day long. These poor people that have to depend on the weather to earn a living at selling their art!? How do they do it? A couple rainy weekends in a row and they have a hard time paying the mortgage. (Note to Chris: You might want to reference this post if I ever again say that I would like art fair to be my full-time profession. I think not.)

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