Thursday, January 31, 2008
Get in my belly
Here is a "fancy pants" appetizer that is so easy, but is so very tasty. We picked this up at our monthly cooking class. The classes are so interactive and informative. We always walk away with good ideas and a packet full of recipes.
Give this a whirl sometime...
1 wedge of brie with skin on (1/4 of a wheel)
1/4 cup brown sugar
1/4 chopped macadamia nuts (you could also use pecans, I suppose)
1 T. brandy or Navan Liqueur (a vanilla cognac)
Preheat oven to 450 degrees. Bake brie for 5 minutes. Mix other ingredients into a paste. Take brie from over and top brie with the paste. Bake again for three minutes.
Serve with crackers, sliced apples or pears.
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
First I read this about his daughter...
I have childless friends who ask me how things have changed since she was born. I tend to turn on the self-deprecation, talk about how I don't get to go out to bars anymore or how our lives are scheduled around her naps and bedtime. I tell them that because I know it's what they want to hear; many of them are still convinced, as Ken says on Freaks & Geeks, that, "everything fun in life happens in bars." I don't see any point to getting this precious or sentimental with them. They don't care that the biggest way my life has changed since Juniper was born is that I smile a lot more. That I laugh a lot more now. And it's not laughter at someone because they said or did something stupid and it's not ironic laughter at some shitty movie or television show or laughter at the expense of someone else because I think I'm better than them. I just find myself smiling and laughing because she has somehow fulfilled me in such an unexpected way. She makes me see the world as simple and pure, and it feels so good to have her sitting in the crook of my arm. She is teaching me to look up with her, and remember things I've never known.
And then this about love...
Love has a way of eclipsing superficial concerns.
Look at your spouse or your lover tonight, hold them tight, and think about your future together. Remember that death is inevitable, and that you are going to lose that person one day, or he or she will lose you. You cannot change that. Remember that if you are lucky, you will live to see your spouse put on a few pounds, grow wrinkles, grow bald and liverspotted and grumpy. If you are lucky you will see your children find love in someone else, and then see you and your spouse and a whole host of strangers live on in the children that grow physically from that love. You will see youth again in them, you will remember all the good times you had in yours. If you are lucky you will grow old and change in a million different ways with the person you've chosen to live your life with. Not everyone reading this will be so lucky. Among you there will be car accidents, lives snatched away without a moment to say goodbye. There will be hands to hold in hospital beds. There will be chemotherapy. There will be pain.
But again, if you are lucky it will come in the depth of the winter of your lives, though an invincible summer will burn inside you still, a love that a few extra pounds could never kill.
I get so caught up in design blogs and art sites, but this is a must read. If you have some serious time to poke around, check it out...Sweet Juniper.

Little did I know that Ross commissioning some pieces also meant that Chris and I were responsible for hanging the five pieces in his Plaza condo. There was a lot of math and measuring involved, but we completed the task.

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Saturday, January 19, 2008
Something new to obsess about

Mrs. Woodard's Home Ed class wasn't enough to teach me any sewing skills. Despite my mom also being a wiz on the sewing machine, I can't sew to save my life. These fabrics might be a reason to learn though.
You can see more at Purl Soho. I've also seen them at Urban Arts & Crafts at Briarcliff.

Thursday, January 17, 2008
Another satisfied customer
At the Omaha Art Fair, a friend of a friend just happened to stumble into my booth. She was living in San Diego, so the entire process of completing her commission was done via email and snail mail. It was a long process, but it was finally completed. It was a gift for her sister's 30th birthday. She wrote:
Just want to thank you again for all your work on my sis's piece. She got it today at work and was totally beside herself. It means soooo much to her. She already emailed me a pic of it hanging on her wall at home. :)
Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!

The background is a vintage dress pattern, a collaged map of Chicago (where the recipient lives), a photo of the sisters' mother and a vintage Chicago Cubs ticket that I found on eBay for $9.95.
Monday, January 07, 2008
Orange you glad for birthday wishes!?
We just returned from the Orange Bowl where my Jayhawks came away with a victory. It was well worth the trip to finally see a big KU game, where we actually win. I've gone to several NCAA basketball tournaments and I've only seen one win in the second round, but never has anything meant so much. Tears were actually shed at the end of this one.

When we returned to our room, Chris had arranged for a birthday cake, balloons, wine and hotel souvenirs to be delivered o the room. It was so sweet and quite a surprise.

Some of you recall the birthday where my mom asked me to pick up my cake since she was running late. The Dairy Queen ice cream cake had icing scrawled across it "Happy Birthday Caffie". At least I can laugh about it now.

We bunked with Moe and Eric. Apparently, Chris and Eric thought that those to stay together, dress together. I've dubbed Chris' winter look "the uniform". It's popular in Chicago apparently, too.

It was COLD that day! 50's and wind. I wore four shirts and a fleece and I was still a it chilly.

Moe and I headed out for a walk on Friday morning, stopping for a Cuban coffee while spying on the pools in the fancy hotels that line Ocean Drive.
The boys joined us for lunch at Prime Time, a sidewalk cafe on Ocean Drive. I had the best sandwich, bloody Mary's and sweet potato fries while the sun shined on my face. I'm not sure why eating lunch outside in the sun while drinking an adult beverage always solidifies vacation to me.

Tuesday, January 01, 2008
Here is a clip..
These are Moe's parents back in their hippie days. It is such a priceless picture!
Moe and Nash in the early days. This piece is smaller at 4x4", while the other is 8x8". Here is the very sweet email that I received from Moe's mom last week...
Cassie, Cassie, Cassie,
YOU ARE AWESOME! I LOVED the gift from Emily that you did. IT IS SOOOOOOOOO NEAT! I can honestly say that it is the first gift I have ever received that I was totally speechless. I knew the tears were coming and I just sat there and looked at it and couldn't speak. I love it and I thank you for all the thought and creativity that went in to it! Having done a few little pieces of artwork, I can appreciate all the work that went in to it. You have some great ideas and techniques! I hope you and Chris have a wonderful NEW YEAR and that you all have a safe and fun time at the ORANGE BOWL!
Love, Cindy
I don't ever like to toot my own horn, but I just thought this was too sweet not to share.
And, yes, we are off to the Orange Bowl tomorrow morning. Another Jayhawk win would be a pretty wonderful birthday gift!
Cheers! Go Jayhawks.